Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hi everyone!
My name is Karlie Bannister and I am a junior here at CWU and I am majoring in History and minoring in Art History, hence the reason I am taking this class. I have a passion for Art and last year had the wonderful opportunity last year to go on a ten day study abroad trip to Greece, where so much history lies. It was an amazing experience and I learned so much about the classical art and architecture of famous Greek structures. If all goes as planned I will also get to study abroad for 5 months in Estonia in the Spring, which I am so excited for! Traveling if another passion of mine and my favorite thing about visiting different places is experiencing the culture and arts of that area. After taking the Humanities course here at Central I have discovered that my favorite era of art history is the Renaissance, so many wonderful pieces of art came out of that time and the stories of the artists and how the structure or painting came to be just fascinates me. I look forward to learning much more about Ancient and Medieval art this quarter and am excited to jump right in!


  1. Hi Karlie! Welcome to the course. I'm sure that this class will have extra meaning for you, since we will be talking about the Greeks quite a bit. I think you'll enjoy looking at Greco-Roman (classical) art too, since Renaissance artists looked toward classical art for inspiration. I look forward to following your posts this quarter!

    -Prof. Bowen

  2. Hello!
    Your trip to Greece sounds incredibly awesome! There is nothing better than to experience things first-hand. I also share your passion in traveling, unfortunately for me, I can't afford to travel right now. Greece is on my list though. Estonia sounds great as well.
